Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Too good to throw away - Circle Graph Project

     YES! Today was our last day of school and I am so exhausted. Not because of the craziness of the year but because the building is being painted this summer and we had to pack up our rooms. I usually leave posters on the walls, books in bookcases, have bulletin boards up before I leave, but not this year. I literally have 5-four drawer file cabinets filled to the brim with projects, worksheets, tests and quizzes. I had to place a couple drawers of each in boxes so the file cabinets wouldn't be so heavy. I also have one closet and two big cabinets filled with stuff. (A lot of this is math department supplies and I am the Lead Teacher who gets to store it all.) Thirty years of stuff. UGH! I envy my younger colleagues who have everything stored digitally. It's my goal to have everything saved digitally but having time to go through all of it, and sort, file, throw or scan everything is overwhelming. But I made a little progress today. I threw out 2 file drawers of materials on topics that are no longer part of the curriculum so it is a start.
     During my cleaning frenzy, I found a project a student completed five years ago that I use to do with the kids at the end of the year on circle graphs. I would count this project as a test grade, which now I would call a summative assessment. I love this project because it involves angle measures, percents, data collection, constructing circle graphs and of course coloring. I miss doing this unit. Sigh :(

Circle graph project


You are going to create a circle graph that displays the activities that you do in a 24 hour period. Everyone’s data will be different and all the circle graphs will be unique to the person that completes it.

  • First, you will need to make a list of all the activities that you are involved in over a 24 hour period and place them on the chart.
  • Next, you will write down the times that you are involved in those activities. You will need to change the time to minutes.
  • Then you will find the percent of the day that activity takes.
  • Then you will change the percent to the degrees that it would represent in a circle graph.
  • After the chart is completed you will create your circle graph.
  • Use the compass to draw a circle that has a radius of 3 inches on the construction paper you have been given.
  • Cut out your circle.
  • Now draw your circle graph using the information on your chart using your protractor.
  • Your circle graph will need to be labeled with the activity and percentage on each sector of the graph.
  • You will need to color your circle graph as well.

You will be graded on neatness and how the circle graph is displayed. I will check all of the computations and degrees and grade you on the accuracy of your answers.

This will count as a test grade as this is a major project.

I got them started on some of the categories. Electronics and TV were separated so I could see the difference. I would probably group them together now as many kids watch TV on their IPADS or phones. Look at the homework section. I would say many of my kids don't spend that much time on homework. Sad. 

Click here to download circle graph chart and directions.
 I've learned not to post answers that can be copied.

 I don't have a rubric but this is a copy of the grade sheet I gave each student. It would not be on a percentage basis if I were doing this today. We grade on a 4-point scale now.

I can't believe I had this in my files.  Now I'm going to look for an awesome Weather Project I use to do about 15 years ago. We used newspapers, imagine that. LOL. 

Til next time,



  1. I have so much "stuff" I need to go through, and I'm sure most of it needs to be thrown away. There are lots of things I brought from my HS teaching time when I came back to teaching 11 years ago at the JH level that I haven't touched. But I love finding old student projects. I kept them for a reason, and they make me happy when I rediscover them. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are right, it makes me happy to remember the students who did the projects. This student struggled with math and I was so proud of her fantastic work on this activity.


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